Deep Purple

Days go by incredibly slow... Most of the times I'm pretty much bored. No friends around but too much free time. Just waiting for something new to come up and make things seem brighter. Hope insists but logic laughs ironicly to me. I know I may sound a bit disappointed but I can't really go against a situation that never changes. Weather is sunnier and warmer lately but rain is here every day. Summer is closer than ever but that doesn't seem to cheer me up so much. I guess my lovely readers you are having much better time than I am... You sure do! This is just a simple post (I did my best being fun and smiley-I even wear white). Aside all that i hope you like it. Please send me your possitive thoughts. I really need them this time :)

Fashionably yours


cardigan (aggressive), top (naf naf), pants (bsb fashion), bag (sisley), shoes (xc-xacaret), belt (tally weijl), necklace (handmade by my best friend Mary), brown  bracelets (vintage), beige bracelets (gift)