A potential outfit (God willing and weather permitting...)

Rainy spring time

Today's title in this post says everything! Previously i promised i would come back with an outfit post, meaning that i would go out with my beloved boyfriend Nick, who works constantly these days, and take some photos of me and him. But when people make plans, god or may I say weather laughs! My dearests i have passed the last days in my room, bored to death because it has been raining all the time, almost non-stop. How can i possibly run in the streets with a camera when it's raining cats and dogs (as our English fellows say)??? So feeling blue and enormously down, i decided to show you a very small part of my weardrobe. Clothes that i prefer to wear in the mornings, when going for a coffee with friends, shopping or meetings about work. Simple and casual choices that make me feel comfortable for lots of hours, concluding my favourite jeans. I'm waiting for your responses and to those of you who have to bare the rain these days : JOIN THE CLUB OF THE RAIN HATERS!!! Let's make a group :p C u all sooner than i hope. I'll keep my promise (weather permitting!!!).

Fashionably yours


 Cardigan and top (Aggressive)

Jeans (Pepe Jeans)

Bag (Sisley), Shoes ( Xc-xacaret) 

Bracelets (Mabo sensual fx)

Earrings (Oxette)