No Sew Ruffle Scarf {tutorial}

Now I know y'all are going to
this one...cuz I sure do


You are NeVeR going to believe what it's made of...

That's right...a FrIgGiN' T-sHiRt
What else will you need?

A dinner plate
Fabric glue
{{ignore the yellow pen..}}

Step 1 ~ Cut the sleeves off!

Step 2 ~ Cut the T down the middle {{like a zipper}}

Step 3 ~ Cut at the shoulders 
{{ you thought you were done cutting didn't you ? }}
HA!  Not even close...

It should look like this...once it's laid out

Step 4 ~ Place plate upside down on t-shirt.
Try to cut as close to the edges as you can. 

It's a sLoPpY CiRcLe...but it does the job
I got {{ 7 }} circles out of  {{ 1 }} t-shirt

Step 5 ~ Cut each circle into a spiral

And I thought my circle was sloppy...sheesh

Step 6 ~ Hold each piece at the center and pull the tails through your fist.
This step will curl the edges

Step 7 ~ Group all of your pieces together. 
Adjust them so the lengths look fairly staggered but not too cRaZy.

Step 8 ~ Take an extra piece of the t-shirt and wrap around the center of the bunch...

Step 9 ~ Attach with fabric glue
Step 10 ~ Hold in place for a few seconds.  Let sit for about 5 minutes.

You can either leave as is....OR...

I took another leftover piece and made a rosette. 
I attached it directly to the other
scrap with fabric glue.'ve got yourself a fAnTaBuLoUs scarf!

I like to add a little fRoStInG...

{yes...I did make that clip}

Both look ToTaLlY aWeSoMe with a jacket...