DIY Chick {tutorial}

{isn't she cute?}

Disclaimer: This is not an original idea
I originally saw this at Craft Goodies

This is how I made mine...

You'll need:

Paint (orange, yellow, black)
Yellow Feathers
Board: I used a 5x7 board
Pieces for feet, beak and eyes
{I bought both the board and the pieces at The Wood Connection in Utah.  You can also buy a kit at Craft Goodies Etsy shop}
Glue Gun
Ribbon (not shown)
Distressed Ink pad (optional and not shown)

Step 1: Paint the 5x7 board.  I left one side unpainted as it was going to be covered with feathers.  This step is optional.

Step 2: Paint the feet, beak, and eyes

Step 3: Distress beak and feet (optional) after orange paint is dry.

Step 4: After the yellow paint has dried, flip the 5x7 block over and start glueing your feathers on with your glue gun.  I started at '12 o'clock' and worked my way around.

Step 5: Hot glue  feet, beak and eyes on
Step 6: Tie a bow and hot glue on

Awe...cutest darn chick I ever did see