One of my favorite writing professors often reminded our class that revision is not merely editing and fine-tuning, but more of a re-vision or a re-seeing of an original piece. The start of a new year tends to cause many of us to revise and rethink what we do, how we do it, and why we do it at all. While these thoughts cover many aspects of our lives, they can also apply directly to our work as artists and crafters, and a good, thorough revision can improve your business’s performance, your own efficiency, and help you recapture your creative drive.
Fabric Push Pins from Regan's Brain
So how do we re-see our work? There are a few different approaches to this, each working from a different angle. First, you can start by making a few lists. Write down what seems to be working for you. Include relevant sales data, details about your work schedule and environment, pats on the back for what you’re doing well now. Write another list of what you’d like to be able to do but so far haven’t. This includes long term goals as well as specific tasks. What are your sources of stress? What slows you down? What struggle could you let go of, in order to make room for more of what works well? Often, just the simple acts of organizing those thoughts, admitting some of your errors or weaknesses, and getting all the behind-the-scenes details on the page can help you re-see your business. From here, work in time-management strategies, set attainable and ambitious goals, and set the groundwork for documenting your progress. Plan to reward yourself when you meet those goals.
A final approach is best if you’ve done the other two already and feel like you may have indeed done everything possible to make your shop and your work top notch.
Take some time off.
Take a serious break away from your shop, away from your social networking and marketing, spend your time as you did before you even heard of Etsy (hard to imagine, I know). What will you do? Take in more movies? Play board games with your family? Exercise more often? Most likely, after a little down time, you’ll find another outlet for your creativity. You’ll pick up your knitting needles or embroidery hoop again. You’ll paint a room in your house. You’ll pull out a great cook book and plan a month’s menu. You’ll schedule an arts and crafts night in your home. You’ll offer to teach a craft in your child’s classroom. You get the idea. Just when you think you’ve lost your creative spark, it comes back with renewed vitality. Break out your sketchbook and tap into this new energy. Let your imagination run unhindered by the former constraints of your shop, and see where it leads you. You may wind up with enough material for a new section in your shop, a new approach to photographing all of your items, or a new shop entirely.
Each of these steps takes work, energy, and some serious commitment. The payoff is that there is an equal if not more substantial return on your investment. The time you put into revising your work can come back to you in surprisingly profitable ways, perhaps so much so, that you’ll need to stop again just to smile at all you’ve done. Here’s to a great new start!