You'll need:
~You can buy tulle from the bolt or in precut 6"x25 yards (easiest option).
~By the bolt, 54" wide, purchase 9 yards of both colors
~By the spool, 6"x25 yards, purchase 50 yards of each color
1 1/2 inch elastic
2-inch ribbon
Measuring tape
Scissors or a rotary cutter
Rotary/measuring matt
Sewing machine or needle and thread
1. Measure the chest and take off 1 inch from the measurement. Cut the elastic to this length and machine or hand-stitch the ends together. The circular elastic band will join the top and bottom parts of the tutu halter dress.
3. Subtract 10" from the measurement in Step 2 This will be your measurement for the other of your colors - the one you want to be the shortest.
4. Cut the tulle in lengths (strips) of the measurement in Step 2. The number of tulle strips will depend on how full you want the bottom part of the dress to be. Note - the width of each strip is 6".
6. Tie tulle strips, alternating colors, using a square knot. Double the knot so the tulle is secure. After this, spread out the tulle - this will make the tutu fuller. Repeat this process until the entire elastic is covered. Do not tie the knots to tightly when tying the tulle. This will compress the elastic, causing it to fold, distort the look, fall off the dress, and make it uncomfortable to wear.
7. Move the knots as close as possible to each other to conceal the elastic band. Turn each of the knots to the bottom edge of the elastic.
8. Cut a length of 2 inch ribbon that will be knotted around the elastic in front and will be long enough to tie a bow around the neck as a halter. Knot the ribbon around the elastic in the front of the dress. Turn the knot to the top edge of the elastic band with two ends of the ribbon facing up. Tie the ribbon around the
neck in a bow and trim excess ribbon.
9. Add a large matching colored flower or a bow at the point where the halter is knotted around the elastic. You can also leave as is if you wish. I chose to add some polyester
ribbon and a flower.
You'll need:
~ Button
~ 3/16" Polyester ribbon, choose a color that compliments your flower and tutu
~ Needle and thread
2. Cut 4 strips of ribbon. You can certainly cut more if you would like. I cut them at 26" each.
3. Tie one piece of ribbon around the first piece of tulle next to your halter ribbon. Tie the knot at the bottom by the tulle knot. Tie a second piece of ribbon around the piece of tulle two spots away from the halter ribbon. Again, tie the knot at the bottom by the tulle knot. Repeat on the other side.
4. Sew the flower on. I started from the inside of the tutu, went through the tulle, elastic, halter ribbbon, and finally through the button. I repeated this several times, in the same X format as I used with the button, to make sure the flower was secure.
And've got yourself a beautiful, unique Tutu Halter Dress...all made by hand!